Our Mission at Encrypted Grid is to be the premier security partner by securing the communications between IT & OT with quantum resistance encryption and adding value, data and intelligence and support the resiliency of the grid against cyber attacks.
We started this business with a purpose and mission of being a partner in helping to secure our most critical national assets. Our team is dedicated to solving complex problems and adding value, resiliency and security to all our partners.
Team Player
Does most of the things. Can find him working on important tasks quite regularly.
LinkedInTurbines and Power
Can fix anything in record speed, under any amount of stress, and always with time to spare.
LinkedInOur Guy
Knows exactly where we should be going at all times. Just an uncanny sense of direction.
LinedInSuper Theory Geek
Can fragment waves with crystals and clocks, and then bring it all back together again. You try it.
Sometimes People Person
Doesn't love talking to people, but he will if he must. Knows how to get people to take healthy risks.